16 Starting from (philosophical) questions of children
Setting the real life context is important but it is also very important to teach students how to ask questions and think critically. The next topic opens up different methods on how to start with questions that come from children.
Use questions to help students get to the core of the topics and issues they’re discussing.
- To put their knowledge into action
- To sharpen their critical reasoning skills
- To demonstrate their understanding
- To engage constructively with each other
- Take your classroom discussions online, break down complex subjects for students, and shake it up with new types of assignments.
How Do I Write Them?
What are the most important concepts my students should learn from this lesson/chapter/unit?
Questioning is contagious
Questions encourage self-directed learning, which in turn forces students to ask more questions. Asking questions makes pupils more likely to become municipalities in their search for answers. As a result, when students link the subject to the world around them, it will change their attitude towards learning.
Here are 10 Curriculum-Framing questions:
- https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1U1QAPAuIEbetWlyg07MRqyjuEPE7N22U