Digital competence

Research group aims to investigate the methodologies for assessing digital competences and develop framework and tool for evaluating domain-specific digital competences. Group is involved in different national and international research- and policy-level intiatives and specific focus of assessing digital competences is on teacher education.


Related ongoing projects:


HUM@N: Digital Transformation in Humanities – The project aims to develop a set of tools and guidelines addressed to higher education educators/professors in the field of humanities to improve their ICT skills, teaching performance and consequently the attainment of their students and motivation. Funded by Erasmus+.


DigCompEdu: Pilot study of the “self-reflection tool” based on the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators – Adaptation and testing of the “SELFIE for Teachers” tool for self-assessment of teachers’ digital competences in Estonia, Lithuania, Italy and Portugal. Joint Research Centre project.


Scaffolding Computational Thinking – Enhancing Nordic Teacher Education – The Nordplus funded project aims at developing a set of digital learning resources for teacher education on teaching computational thinking.


Professional Development Digital Ecosystem for the Educators – The project focuses on developing educator’s professional development digital ecosystem. Funded by Estonian Research Council. 


NOTELEB: No teacher left behind – An Erasmus+ funded project to support teacher educators’ lifelong learning in the context of their work with children and youth through continuous professional development.


IT-Teaching development in TLU 2021 – Conducting a master ‘s program in Computer Science and development activities; supporting the activities of the research field of Informatics Didactics; supporting the activities of the IT Teachers’ Center. Funded by the Estonian Education and Youth Board.


Leading universities – catalysts for change – Erasmus+ funded project to develop academic management, developing thinking skills and establish a motivation system for academic staff.


DigCompOrg – Funded by EC JRC program. The aim is to pilot DigCompEdu framework with Estonian teachers. TLU is also contributing to the development of methodology and supporting tool.


ABC to VLE: beyond curriculum design – Erasmus+ project to develop, implement, evaluate and disseminate a rapid development learning design method in the form of a downloadable ‘pack’ to help university and college teachers design ICT rich blended courses, investigating a range of pedagogical, technological, support, quality, cross-cultural and strategic issues.


IT-Teaching development at the Tallinn University – Funded by the Estonian Education and Youth Board to enhance the quality of teaching informatics teachers through updating the teacher training curriculum.


MACTA – xxx


Research group: Mart Laanpere, Linda Helene Sillat, Kairit Tammets, Maia Lust, Hans Põldoja, Krista Loogma, Priit Tammets, Tobias Ley, Manisha Khulbe, Pjotr Savitski.