Unit 3: Lignite phase out: Agree or Disagree?
Through this unit, you will elaborate on socioscientific issues that are related to climate change. In particular, you will formulate and express your arguments regarding the complete shut down of a lignite – fired power plant in your region and the construction of new wind farms and solar panel parks instead. Before making your decisions, you will explore the multiple perspectives around the SSI under examination through an AR Treasure Hunt activity.
Link for the LePlanner scenario.
Before starting:
- Download AR Tutor 4 application to your mobile device.
- Open the app and choose the “Scan QR” option.
- Scan with your mobile device:

Activity 1
In the EU, we still rely largely on fossil fuels for our overall national energy supply, illustrated by the ratio of fossil fuels in gross available energy. By saying gross available energy, we mean the overall supply of energy for all activities on the territory of the country.
For more information, follow the links:
- https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20220216-1
- https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Glossary:Gross_available_energy

Based on the figure above, rank the countries (Estonia, Germany, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands) in descending order, based in the percentage of fossil fuels in gross available energy.
What do you observe about the share of fossil fuels in gross available energy in the countries mentioned above?
Lignite constitutes a major energy source and has long been used for energy production despite its contribution in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as a fossil fuel. For example, 27.4% of Germany‘s electricity originates from lignite power plants, while in Greece more than 55% of its electric energy consumption is provided by lignite (Violidakis et al., 2017).
Search and share with your fellow students what might be the reasons for the high rate of using lignite in Greece.
Activity 2
The gradual phase out of power generation from lignite and the transition to other forms of energy have raised a lot of debates among various stakeholders and locals.
Imagine that you are called to participate in a debate about lignite phase out! In particular, you are called to participate in a group of locals in order to discuss if you agree or not with the lignite-fired power plants complete shut down in your region and the construction of wind farms and solar panel parks instead.
But first you have to explore the multiple stakeholders’ perspectives on the issue…
- Match the riddles with the corresponding stakeholder and then scan via AR Tutor 4 the image that appears in each correct answer:
Activity 3
- Please write a brief description of each actor’s perspective and share it with the plenary.
- Why do you think the diverse stakeholders have different perspectives on the debate?
After completing the aforementioned task please discuss with your group and answer the questions below :
- Why do you think the diverse stakeholders have different perspectives on the debate?
- What recommendation would you make regarding the lignite-fired power plants complete shut down and the construction of wind and solar panel farms instead? Why?
- What factors did you take into consideration in order to formulate such a recommendation? Why?
- What additional information would you like to have before making a final recommendation?
- Can you think of a reason why someone would disagree with your recommendation?
Violidakis, I., Drosatos, P., & Nikolopoulos, N. (2017). Critical review of current industrial scale lignite drying technologies. low-rank coals for power generation, fuel and chemical production, 41-71.