
STEM Digitalis project

STEM – DIGITALIS is an Erasmus+ project that aims at designing and developing blended learning environments for teaching prospective science teachers advanced STEM topics. In particular five STEM digital scenarios have been developed as illustrated in the following table:

Digital scenario Topic Leader partner
DS1 Energy at Home TLU
DS2 Interferometry LUH
DS3 Climate Change UoC
DS4 Water DCU
DS5 Ocean batteries & energy farms RUG

In order integrate the digital STEM scenarios developed into blended learning environments, we made use of two digital tools:

a) the Pressbook which provides an organized way to present each of the digital scenario per units and allows the integration of diverse digital tools such as the H5P exercises, interactive images and maps, digital worksheets etc.

b) the LePlanner which provides an overview of each unit and supports and guides the users during the blended implementation of each scenario. Specifically, LePlanner provides information regarding the mode of each activity – if it is an in class or an off class activity – the duration of each activity, the equipment needed, the links for each digital resource etc.

Fig 1. The STEM DIGITALIS open educational platform

In addition to the aforementioned tools, each scenario is accompanied by an educator guide in a pdf form that aims at supporting the educators in the blended implementation of each scenario by providing hints and alternatives.





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STEM Digitalis by Tallinn University (TLU); Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH); University of Crete (UoC); Dublin City University (DCU); and University of Groningen (RUG) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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